With this blog, I hope to share information on my interests - Computer Science, software engineering, technology, games, soccer, and so on...
Friday, December 31, 2004
How to fix Mom's computer [Scribbling.net]
How many time that your family ask to you repair (mostly need to restore) the home PCs that you never use? I got thousands... Sometimes, I may miss the installation of some of the component for them to use the PCs. Also, sometimes I may forget some of the security issues. To avoid this, check the stepwise guidelines on "How to fix Mom's computer". Hope following the guidelines will make the PCs more maintainable.
Wired 13.01: The BitTorrent Effect
What is BitTorrent (BT)? I probably do not need to answer too much for this question, since BT is so famous in the past two years. The original idea of the BT file sharing is so great that we can retrieve the files we need in a far much faster rate, eg. one-third of the normal client-server transmission.
However, illegal traffic has been dominated in the current situation. On top of it, people are limiting their upload rate, which create a bottleneck in the whole system. The original aim of BT has been distorted. At the same time, Hong Kong government is going to accuse people of illegal traffic with BT, with the aid of various ISP.
Will it be the end of BT? Or will there be any BT2? What do you think?
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
CleanSoftware.org - Free software, no nasties!
How many times that you want to find some free or open source tool for your work, but you come up with thousands of matches in Google or Yahoo? How to find your target tool in a more efficient way? This page categorize some free software into categories like Mulitmedia, Office, Utility and so on. Try it out when you urgently need a tool and have no time for testing all the tool.
I found that I only use 5-6 of the tools, even though I have also heard the others before. It seems I have to try more.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
David Kirkpatrick - After the IBM Deal, Where Is the " PC" Business Headed? - FORTUNE
Lenovo bought IBM, while portable devices like Palm, pocket PCs, iPod are getting popular. On top of it, Intel claimed that their products will be ten times faster in the future 3 years, with some other specialised processors for various device. How will our "PC" business world look like? Well, we will probably get a 25GHz desktop pc at home and several GHz pocket pc in our pockets. Let's see.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
TIME Person of the Year 2004: 10 Things We Learned About Blogs
Blog is not only writing, but learning. Try to learn something about Blogs.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Chris Justus - Server Side Guy: Google Suggest Dissected...
Coupon of weeks ago, Google launch Google Suggest. And several days later, we got a dissection on it in Canada.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Find anything, anywhere fast with MSN Toolbar Suite Beta
Microsoft is giving its revenge to Google, by means of MSN Toolbar Suite. It's very powerful toolbar, even though it's still in beta. If you want to look for a movie demo and introduction on the toolbar, go to Channel9 Forums and check it out.
Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger
A blog from a Microsoft Geek - Scobleizer. Worth reading, especially for peple like me, young developers. You will definitely learn new things and have a new sight.
The Best Webcomics of 2004
Here is the list of the Best Eebcomics of 2004 chosen by the Webcomics Examiner Advisory Board. It's worth to take a look of those webcomics. Personally, I suggest Reman Mythology from Amy Kim Ganter. It's in a eastern asian comic style, which I'm adopted.

Friday, December 10, 2004
Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C# VB CLR WinFX
This will be a very interesting page for dotNet developers. It includes .NET Reflector, .NET Resourcer, and some other libraries and applications. I really enjoy the .NET Reflector and especially its disassembler. haha ^^
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Testing Education -BBST Test Questions
This page contain lots of information on black box software testing. It covers areas like Domain Testing, Risk-Based Testing, Scenario Testing and so on... Have fun = =+
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Visual Basic Is Evil
Years ago, software development industry is dominated with Visual Basic (VB). It supports rapid application development (RAD) software life cycle. Someone think it's good, while some others said it's Evil. What do you think? Personally, I prefer languages like C# and Java, which are more object oriented. Anyway, I have been using these 2 languages in the past 2 years. ^^
SourceForge.net: Project Info - JChemPaint
This time, something about Chemistry. This tool could be useful for chemistry teaching in organic chemistry topics.
SourceForge.net: Project Info - GanttProject
Once again, an open source tool about software egineering. This tool allow you to plan projects using Gantt chart.
SourceForge.net: Project Info - Design Pattern Automation Toolkit
If you are interested in design pattern, as well as automated software engineering, try this open source tool. It is still at a very beginning stage, but a good start with a good idea.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
This is another blog post about exporting csv file in ASP.NET and C#. However, this is not a library, instead, a tutorial reference.
The Code Project - C# class library for exporting data to CSV/Excel file - ASP.NET
Here is a C# library for exporting data from a DataTabe to CSV or Excel file with the aid of XML. Helpful in my job ^^
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
2.5 Billion Pixel Photo
TNO in Holland has taken a 2.5 billion pixel photo, new world record, on the city view in Holland. After this successful shot, they are targetting next 360 Holland city view.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Baddie.net | Baddie's Little Corner
For those who are familiar with me, they would know that I am a fan of Ragnarok Online (RO). Here is a important calculator page for the skill Soul Breaker of Assasin Cross. Enjoy ^^
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
If you are a .Net developer and do not want to use either console .NET sdk and expensive MS Visual Studio, this will be of your interest. #develop is an open source development environment for .NET platform. Try it on!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Binary Finger

If you are a geek, u must be familiar with binary number, because it is "Core Computer Science Comon Sense". Think geek, act geek. Next time when you meet some guys that you really hate, don't give them your middle finger, instead, give them a "four".
Reach my blog with Google's 1st match
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Are you good hacker? Or a bad hacker?

Whether you are a good hacker or a bad hacker, try to think geek, and try to wear geek.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Xinyan Zhang - CoolStreaming
This is a cool application on media streaming. It was poped up during Euro 2004, and I enjoyed it very much. You may think it is another version of peercast or bt version for media stream. Anyway, it allow you to send or receive media broadcast in a much more efficient way. It currently provide mostly soccer tv channel, so try it if you want to stay home with the soccer matches. If you are a producer, you may contact the Xinyan Zhang to help you on your media broadcasting. Enjoy it.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Journalist saved by Google search
Saturday, October 16, 2004
J2ME Isometric Engine
Google can't reach my blog, but Yahoo does
Then, I tried Yahoo... Oh! My blog is the 1st match. Haha
Google Desktop Search
Google has published their new product, Google Desktop Search, yesterday. It helps you to search file within your computer just like how we search information on the web with Google.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Gmail: Help Center
Gmail: Help Center
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Concurrent Remote Desktop in WinXP SP2
Thursday, September 23, 2004
My new job
Monday, September 13, 2004
"arTung VS Andy"??
Aliens VS Predators is showing in the cinema recently. Concurrently, in the blog world, "arTung VS Andy" is very hot to me, and my friends.
These few days, I and a friend, arTung, have been making fun with his blog. How fun? The funniest task is to discuss ways to copy the design, style and formatting to his blog from another one's blog, Dr. Andy Chun's blog. Andy was the very first one introducing blogging to me in his Software Quality and Management course, and at the same time, I wrote my first ever blog for that course. You may compare arTung's blog and Andy's blog, and let guess what we have done these few days. At the current moment, I may look forward and see if some geeks reach this blog post and notice our "effort".
A Blog from my friend