Monday, May 09, 2005

candygrlgrl's Xanga Site

candygrlgrl's Xanga Site

Well, I've found a webLog from a fans of my favourite female singer, Candy Lo's Xanga(Blog) Site. That's cool to see everyone's blogging. Suddenly, I thought of "do I need to set up a xanga (I've got an account)?". Well... in I think I still stick to Google's Blogger at the moment.


Rick said...

Is there any motivation to migrate to Xanga?

I'll stick to Blogger until I get any push for moving.

Ken said...

My will is just similar to yours. However, I may try a different platform (MSN Spaces) later on for a blog on some other topics.

Rick said...

I may try to write a blog in Chinese (not Cantonese), bcoz I found myself extremely weak in Chinese writing now...

Ken said...

That's also a possibility that I thought of. And I'll also try that in the new blog.